Convocation: Eboo Patel (IFYC)

Join Eboo Patel, Founder and Executive Director of the Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core, for a convocation address entitled, We Need to Build: Field Notes for Diverse Democracy. We live in a molten era where so much is changing and therefore anything is possible. Will America become a nightmare or a dream? So much depends on leaders like you. Are you ready to be an architect of an America where people from all identities thrive? This session with veteran interfaith leader Eboo Patel will both expand your knowledge and build your skills, helping you become the kind of leader our diverse democracy needs.

Staff from our own EMU Center for Interfaith Engagement will host this convocation including facilitating a space for engaging questions both within the convocation and from 11-11:30 a.m. for those who are able to continue the conversation.

Eboo Patel founded Interfaith Youth Core on the idea that religion should be a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division. He is inspired to build this bridge by his identity as an American Muslim navigating a religiously diverse social landscape. For over 15 years he has worked with governments, social sector organizations, and college and university campuses to help make interfaith cooperation a social norm.