“Conflict from Above: The Drive for Accumulation” Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Does a day go by without some thought or conversation about money? The economic climate? The lack of funds for a congregational program or project? The juggling act with personal bills? The search for wisdom about how to be good stewards of what we do have?

Walter Brueggemann offers the first of three plenary address for the 2012 School for Leadership Training.  Brueggemann uses Pharaoh as a model and metaphor for the drive to accumulate. It is a drive borne in anxiety that issues in the destruction of the neighborhood and the normalization of violence in society.

The 2012 theme for School for Leadership Training seeks to engage church and business leaders in an exploration of such questions and to plumb the wisdom of those living with possible answers. This school intentionally invites us to look deeply at how our handling of money flows out of or impacts our faith.  Walter Brueggemann’s evening keynote addresses give us scriptural footing for our explorations.