Hope for 2021

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Hope for 2021

In her spring 2021 convocation address, “The Call of the Magi: Find a New Path”, President Huxman ended by urging us to find a new path and create new ways to “find home.” We have invited the campus community, students, faculty and staff, to respond to the question: What is your greatest hope for 2021? The responses below encourage and inspire us all to work for our hopes this year. 

I hope that we can unite. It doesn’t matter who’s in office. We just need to unite, respect each other and get along.

Emily Alger

I hope to depend more on God and get closer to Him.

Allison Bailey – Undergrad First Year

My greatest hope is that our nation can reach towards unity and a collective hope for a better future.

Hannah Beck – Undergrad First Year

My hope is for better mental health in 2021!

Alcinda Brubaker

My hope is that in this new year, I get to hug my mom again.

Rebekah Budnikas – Marketing Department

I'm encouraged to be getting a glimpse of the light at the end of the long COVID-19 pandemic struggle shared across the globe. As the days stretch a bit longer and winter melts into spring, I expect our individual and collective energy to more freely flow.

Brian Burkholder – University Campus Pastor

In the words of Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate, who read her poem "The Hill We Climb" at the inauguration...

"...We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true."

This is my greatest hope for my own family, our EMU community, this city, state, and nation.

Deanna Durham – Assistant Professor

My hope is that we can discuss to understand, not to change minds.

Maggie Garber – Undergrad First Year

A faster end to the pandemic and an environment where people can have good discussions with those who disagree with or are different from them so that we can grow to be better people and a better nation.

Sophia Gott – Freshman Interdisciplinary Music and Social Work Major

I just finished treatment for stage 4 cancer. My greatest hope is celebrating life and living life to the fullest this year!

Sara Halteman – Accreditation Specialist

My greatest hope is that we can start to rebuild and rekindle not only our friendships with one another, but within ourselves.

Seth Harmer – Undergrad First Year

My hope is peace and unity among different people. Love your neighbor!

Mary Harnish

My hope is that I surpass my expectations!

Nutifafa Havi

My hope is more interaction with EMU students!

Herm - EMU Mascot

My hope is we learn to be humble and kind to ourselves and those around us.

Anthony Hsu – Nursing Student

My hope is to enjoy being alive and each day's opportunity to nurture relationships and make contributions to others' ability to enjoy being alive.

Carol Hurst – Faculty

My hope is that I will take the learning opportunity to walk in someone else's shoes.

David King – Athletics

My hope is more civil dialogues where it's okay to disagree and we don't have to demonize others.

Dawn Kreider – Class of '92 and '02

As each new calendar year begins, I pause and reflect on the challenges and blessings of the past year, and also look forward to how God might be calling me to be faithful, and how he is calling me to a closer walk with him through the year ahead. "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness".

Ed Lehman – Staff

My hope is unity.

Marianna Lipold

My hope is peace.

Dave McGuigan

My hope is a return to hugging and being with each other without fear.

Margo McIntire – Admin

My hope is for the Holy Spirit to show up in unexpectant ways and for me to recognize it.

Jan Miller – Adjunct Faculty, Nursing

Before COVID-19 struck, I did not realize how free it is to go to church, school, malls, to hug, to go play on the playground, to visit friends, or even doctor’s office for check-ups, or even how free to breathe, and so on. But now as I appreciate more and am grateful for things I have taken for granted, mine is to be thankful more, love more, forgive more, smile and laugh more, and especially give more. So my hope is that we defeat that which is hatred, and love more as we seek non-violent and authentic conversations and respectful relationships for truth and healing.

Helen Momoh – Masters Student Conflict Transformation

My greatest hope is that those of us who hold power will be accountable to and guided by the leadership of people who are most oppressed by the intersections of white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, and colonization.

Luke Litwiller – Admissions Counselor

My hope is that we will be compassionate and take care of each other!

Jenny Posey – Women's Basketball Coach

I would hope that people have or develop self-awareness. Don't say you believe X and do Y. Know yourself and what you truly believe.

Robin Ruleman – MBA '15, MAOL '18

I hold hope that our world returns to somewhat normal, sometime soon! We have all lost something in the past year, and some of us have lost someone or many someones, and yet we still stand strong and hope for better to come.

Ashley Schoenhardt – Undergrad Sophomore

My hope is that EMU will continue to grow into a university for ALL people and expand its reach within the local community, actively sharing the love of Christ.

Marybeth Showalter – Staff

The words of Amanda Gorman encourage, nudge, and give hope for an individual and collective way forward: "For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it."

Cathy Smeltzer Erb – Director/Professor, Undergraduate Teacher Education

My greatest hope for this presidency is that those who work relentlessly for social justice and public health feel some sort of peace in the next 4 years. Also, I hope that my family and I finally hear back from immigration as we want to continue to be part of this great nation on a deeper level.

Samuel Soste-Taffur – Undergrad Sophomore

I am looking forward to sharing and attending live performances with audiences, friends and family.

Kimberly Souther – Instructor of Music

My greatest hope is that this country would gain a sense of unity again and not be so divided over politics.

Maddie Wood – Undergrad First Year

My hope is that COVID-19 will end.

Yi Zheng

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