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Apply Now for 2025 Cohorts (Parents/Caregivers of children ages 9-18)

Join parents and caregivers like you who long for your children to embrace your faith. Discover effective ways to pass faith and values to your children within the context of secure relationships. 

The entire cohort program lasts two years and is offered free of charge to parents and caregivers. There are no requirements for health insurance submission or reimbursement. Cohorts are led by professors and graduate students in counseling and practical theology. Although counseling professionals are present, counseling services are not provided as part of this program.

New cohorts for parents/primary caregivers of adolescents will begin meeting virtually in early 2025. Each cohort will meet virtually every week for 1.5 hours for 10 sessions, then once every 4 months for this 2-year program.

These cohorts are part of a research project in attachment and faith hosted by Eastern Mennonite University. Cohort participants will be required to consent to participate in this research by completing confidential surveys and interviews. Participants’ children ages 12-17 will be invited to participate in surveys and interviews with parents/guardian permission, but children’s participation is not required for their parents or caregivers to be part of a cohort.

Parents and caregivers who have significant responsibility for raising children (infants through young adults) are welcome to apply. Conectere does not provide childcare, but we can contact your congregation to inquire about arranging childcare if you select that option on the application.

Parents, Caregivers and Ministry Leaders: Want to be part of a future cohort starting in 2025 or 2026? Want to hear about resources developed from this project? Complete our interest form.

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Apply Now for 2025 Cohorts (Parents/Caregivers of children ages 9-18)
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