Harmonizing amidst hostility: Musician Peter Yarrow and talented experts teach conflict transformation processes

Promising that yes, he would eventually sing “Puff the Magic Dragon,” legendary folk singer and activist Peter Yarrow –  formerly of the group Peter, Paul and Mary – gave an impromptu ... read more about Harmonizing amidst hostility: Musician Peter Yarrow and talented experts teach conflict transformation processes

Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

Madalynn Payne, traveling this summer with the “Radical Europe Anabaptist Roots” cross-cultural group from Eastern Mennonite University, says train travel, walking tours, independent exploration and dining in unfamiliar cultures have ... read more about Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

Symposium and lecture by Catholic victims advocate Tom Doyle focuses on institutional harms and healing

Capping a month-long series of events around the topic of healthy sexuality and sexual violence, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) welcomed Father Tom Doyle, a Roman Catholic sexual abuse victim advocate, ... read more about Symposium and lecture by Catholic victims advocate Tom Doyle focuses on institutional harms and healing