Symposium and lecture by Catholic victims advocate Tom Doyle focuses on institutional harms and healing

Capping a month-long series of events around the topic of healthy sexuality and sexual violence, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) welcomed Father Tom Doyle, a Roman Catholic sexual abuse victim advocate,
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VCU professor, expert on African American women and the Bible to speak on ‘Sketches of Slave Life’

Professor Katherine Bassard brings her expertise in African American literature to Eastern Mennonite University on Thursday, Nov. 10. She will give a presentation titled ‘Truly a Christian Act’: Freedom and
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‘The last will be the first’: social psychologist Christena Cleveland shares a new paradigm of privilege at faculty/staff conference

“The last will be first and the first will be the last: This is what equality looks like, this is what justice is about.” Dr. Christena Cleveland, a social psychologist
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Interdisciplinary conference on women of Anabaptist traditions, slated for June 2017, announces call for proposals

Scholars, activists, students and literary, performing and visual artists alike are invited to submit proposals for consideration to “Crossing the Line: Women of Anabaptist Traditions Encounter Borders and Boundaries,” a
... read more about Interdisciplinary conference on women of Anabaptist traditions, slated for June 2017, announces call for proposals

Restorative Justice in Education Academy draws educators from six states for introduction into creating socially just, equitable learning environments

Jonathan Stith invoked civil rights leader Ella Baker in his keynote address at Eastern Mennonite University’s Restorative Justice in Education Academy last week. Stith, who is national coordinator at the
... read more about Restorative Justice in Education Academy draws educators from six states for introduction into creating socially just, equitable learning environments