Student activism presents learning opportunities for all, says faculty/staff conference keynote

Professor Felipe Hinojosa offered a message of promise during his keynote address “Another University Is Possible” at Eastern Mennonite University’s annual fall faculty and staff conference: Embrace students as visionaries ... read more about Student activism presents learning opportunities for all, says faculty/staff conference keynote

How solar energy helps Mennonites with their mission of global relief

Jeff Heie MA '00 (conflict transformation), project coordinator for the Harrisonburg Gift & Thrift solar project, helps connect Mennonite values to solar energy in this article. The “Thrifty Solar Barn Raising” team was among 170 teams nationwide selected to compete in the US Department of Energy’s Solar In Your Community Challenge, a $5 million contest that supports “innovative and replicable community-based solar business models and programs that will bring solar to underserved communities.” ... read more about How solar energy helps Mennonites with their mission of global relief from Energy News