“Musica Harmonia” of EMU will present a concert featuring “French gems” from the chamber music genre 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24 in Martin Chapel at EMU.

Joan Griffing
Lynne Mackey
The performers are Joan Griffing, violin; Lynne Mackey, piano; Diane Phoenix Neal, viola; and Beth Vanderborgh, cello.
Griffing, professor of music at EMU, is chair of the music department, and Mackey is an associate professor of music.
The ensemble will perform the popular Faure “Piano Quartet” and the beloved Faure “Elegie for Cello and Piano.”
Other short works will be the Martinu “Madrigal No. 1 for Violin and Viola” and “Cantilenas Nos. 1 & 2 for Viola and Piano” by Brazilian composer Guarnieri.
Musica Harmonia was newly-formed in 2007. The musicians, who met through the Eastern Music Festival in Greensboro, N.C., come together in this ensemble with a goal to promote peace and cultural understanding through musical collaboration.
They traveled to Brazil in November, 2008, and performed alongside Brazilian musicians and gave master classes at two Brazilian universities.
All have experienced life in many countries, including Brazil, Australia, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and the USA.
Admission to the program is free; donations to the EMU music student scholarship fund are welcomed.