Professor, restorative justice volunteer

Laura is an academic and peace activist by profession. In addition to her BA from EMU and MA from CJP, she received her PhD from University of Durham [England] in New Testament and is also a graduate of  Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS). Laura teaches adjunct for both EMU and AMBS as well as at the University of Illinois, including a program in a local men’s prison.

Laura had until recently been associate professor of religion and director of peace and conflict studies at Bluffton University. In addition to teaching and writing, she volunteers with restorative justice programs in her community. Formative in her understanding of faithful Christian discipleship were experiences in Israel/Palestine and Latin America, where she learned to know people dedicated to working for justpeace.

(Photo credit: Jackie Wells.)

This profile was last updated January 23, 2018