Encounter, Self-reflexivity, and Belonging by Timothy Seidel

Regardless of the class I am teaching—whether it’s Social and Political Economy, Globalization and Justice, or even History of the Middle East—I begin and end the semester with a conversation about what I think are really important learning goals. Yes, each class has its own particular learning goals, like “develop an understanding of the complexity … Continue reading Encounter, Self-reflexivity, and Belonging by Timothy Seidel

An Attempt at Decolonizing the Classroom By Myriam Aziz

I came to the U.S. for the first time when I was 15 years old. I was the only Arab in my school. When people would ask me where I was from and I would say “Lebanon,”, very few knew where that was. It seemed unfair mainly because I knew so much about American culture. … Continue reading An Attempt at Decolonizing the Classroom By Myriam Aziz