Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

Madalynn Payne, traveling this summer with the “Radical Europe Anabaptist Roots” cross-cultural group from Eastern Mennonite University, says train travel, walking tours, independent exploration and dining in unfamiliar cultures have ... read more about Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

A museum treasure comes to light: Professor D. Ralph Hostetter’s love of ‘God in nature’ and the Carolina Junco

While preparing exhibit items in the D. Ralph Hostetter Natural History Museum at Eastern Mennonite University for upcoming renovations, senior biochemistry major Eli Wenger found something that “made my hair ... read more about A museum treasure comes to light: Professor D. Ralph Hostetter’s love of ‘God in nature’ and the Carolina Junco

EMU’s Common Read selection ‘Memory of Water’ addresses drought, climate change and hidden knowledge

Water, water everywhere—and so many people take it for granted. As the life-giving liquid becomes an increasingly significant global resource, though, Eastern Mennonite University wants to make sure students are ... read more about EMU’s Common Read selection ‘Memory of Water’ addresses drought, climate change and hidden knowledge

A catalyst for stewardship, Ray Martin helps EMU and partners to launch the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions

Holding his 19-month-old grandson, Ray Martin told the audience gathered at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) Thursday afternoon why he had made a generous donation to study and combat the issues ... read more about A catalyst for stewardship, Ray Martin helps EMU and partners to launch the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions

Harrisonburg native and biology professor to talk about research with tuatara, a rare New Zealand reptile

Harrisonburg native and biology professor Kristine Grayson comes to Eastern Mennonite University to present a Suter Science Seminar on a common problem for the conservation and management of endangered populations. ... read more about Harrisonburg native and biology professor to talk about research with tuatara, a rare New Zealand reptile

Annual Spring STEM Celebration features pizza, posters and trivia with profs in the renovated Suter Science Center

In conducting research, Sam Stoner says he’s learned diligence, time management, and patience – all qualities that the environmental sustainability major and business administration minor says will pay off as ... read more about Annual Spring STEM Celebration features pizza, posters and trivia with profs in the renovated Suter Science Center