Top CJP News of 2018

This year’s top news stories from EMU’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding honor treasured professors and alumni, celebrate impactful work, and connect us to the challenging issues of the day. The
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Committee on Diversity and Inclusion begins ‘groundwatering’ for racial equity work on campus

 The 17-member Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) at Eastern Mennonite University has a broad mission – and specific plans for implementing its vision. CODI hosts a racial equity leadership institute introductory forum in
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EMU archivist reflects on ‘Voices of Peace’ exhibit and the sacrifice of conscientious objectors

Eastern Mennonite University archivist Simone Horst reviews the “Voices of Conscience: Peace Witness in the Great War” exhibit, which closes Nov. 17 at the Sadie Hartzler Library.  It has been forty-five
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From ‘The Citizen’: City council candidates attend forum hosted by 10 EMU clubs and organizations

Ten organizations at Eastern Mennonite University collaborated to bring the five Harrisonburg City Council candidates to an Oct. 30 evening forum: Peace Fellowship, Student Government Association, EMU Young Democrats, Latino
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Latino Student Alliance hosts arts, food, music and more during Latino Heritage Month

The Latino Student Alliance’s annual banquet, a delicious culinary and cultural expedition, marked the near-conclusion of Eastern Mennonite University’s Latino Heritage Month celebration. Six events beginning in mid-September provided the campus
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