From ditto to digital, Weather Vane and loyal staffers still ‘let readers know how the winds are blowing on campus’

From the first “Purple Press” issue printed as a mimeographed, letter-sized paper in 1939 to the Weather Vane online, the EMU student newspaper has been a vessel of student expression
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Join the meal: Part I of EMU’s Dining Hall Saga: 1917 to 1970s, site of fellowship, gentility and cultural skirmishes

Herewith is presented a somewhat exhaustive chronology of Eastern Mennonite College/Eastern Mennonite University’s dining services. Consume as much as you’d like and return for seconds. Or simply begin reading in
... read more about Join the meal: Part I of EMU’s Dining Hall Saga: 1917 to 1970s, site of fellowship, gentility and cultural skirmishes

Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Isaac Dahl is a religious and intercultural studies major. Quinn Kathrineberg plans on a career as an English teacher. Maria Yoder wants to be a doctor. Among the members of
... read more about Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues