Professor joins MCUSA congressional delegation to advocate for peace in Israel and Palestine

Six leaders from Mennonite Church USA advocated for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel during congressional visits May 22 in Washington, D.C. The visit took place just days after Israeli soldiers killed more than 60 largely nonviolent Palestinian protesters May 14 in Gaza, and many of the delegates asked their representatives to respond to this. “I relayed my deep, deep concern about the situation in Gaza, asking my representatives to take a stand for the rights of Palestinians, and given the significant amount of aid the U.S. provides to Israel each year, to call for an investigation into Israeli military actions,” said Tim Seidel, director of the Center for Interfaith Engagement at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. ... read more about Professor joins MCUSA congressional delegation to advocate for peace in Israel and Palestine from The Mennonite

Lutz, Augsburger win Presidents Awards at athletics honors banquet

Eastern Mennonite University held its Athletic Honors Banquet on April 26 to honor the journeys of Royals’ student-athletes. Seniors Dan Lutz (Greencastle, Pa./Greencastle-Antrim) and Emily Augsburger (Lancaster, Pa./Lancaster Mennonite) won the President’s Awards, the highest athletic award ... read more about Lutz, Augsburger win Presidents Awards at athletics honors banquet

Baseball coach Adam Posey begins faith formation discussion at spring conference: ‘Meet students where they are’

Most folks in the audience at Eastern Mennonite University’s April 10 spring faculty-staff conference left the first morning assembly with a much better idea of how assistant baseball coach Adam ... read more about Baseball coach Adam Posey begins faith formation discussion at spring conference: ‘Meet students where they are’