NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors

Reclaimed police funds could be distributed to shelters, rape crisis centers, mental health services and programs to combat sexual violence, experts say ... Community-driven responses to sexual violence like transformative justice offer some insight on how that might come to fruition. While there is no single definition, transformative justice could be broadly defined as a “framework that doesn’t depend on solving violence with another form of violence,” Johonna Turner, an assistant professor of restorative justice and peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, said. ... read more about NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors from NBC News

‘How Can EMU Keep From Singing?’ Physically distanced outdoor singing session is a trial run for choir this fall

This summer, Eastern Mennonite University music professor Benjamin Bergey has been reading…and reading…and reading. For a while, not a week would go by without more new information about aerosolization, how
... read more about ‘How Can EMU Keep From Singing?’ Physically distanced outdoor singing session is a trial run for choir this fall

Biology professor and CSCS director to chair Mennonite World Conference’s new Creation Care Task Force

Doug Graber Neufeld, professor of biology at Eastern Mennonite University and director of the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions, has been appointed the chair of the Mennonite World Conference’s new
... read more about Biology professor and CSCS director to chair Mennonite World Conference’s new Creation Care Task Force

Cellist and music educator is new director of EMU’s Shenandoah Valley Preparatory Music Program

Kim Souther, nationally acclaimed cellist, touring artist, and educator, returns to the Shenandoah Valley as new administrative director for the Shenandoah Valley Preparatory Music Program at Eastern Mennonite University.  The
... read more about Cellist and music educator is new director of EMU’s Shenandoah Valley Preparatory Music Program