CJP degree candidates experience practicums in peace education, historical memory, restorative justice and more

Second-year master’s degree candidates in the conflict transformation and restorative justice programs at Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) recently completed practicums engaging with peace education, historical
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Trauma healing program ‘Kumekucha’ supports ‘sustainable agents of resilience and community strength’

In Kenya a new social healing and reconciliation program called Kumekucha – Kiswahili for “It’s a new dawn” – is empowering local leaders to create “sacred space” for people dealing
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Sumanto Al Qurtuby MA ’07, professor at King Fahd University, speaks on diversity in his native Indonesia

Sumanto Al Qurtuby MA '07 (conflict transformation), an Indonesian professor of cultural anthropology at King Fahd University in Saudi Arabia, believes Indonesia's national motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, or Unity in Diversity, is an achievable endeavor and that the archipelago could serve as an example to the rest of the world. ... read more about Sumanto Al Qurtuby MA ’07, professor at King Fahd University, speaks on diversity in his native Indonesia from Jakarta Globe