Philadelphia library exhibit highlights photography, humanity of prisoners

Parkway Central Library in Philadelphia hosts an exhibit from Howard Zehr and Barb Toews' latest book, “Still Doing Life: 22 Lifers 25 Years Later." New Press contacted Vox Populi to create the exhibit in 2021, which was produced using grant money from the Art for Justice Fund. ... read more about Philadelphia library exhibit highlights photography, humanity of prisoners from Philadelphia Neighborhoods

$1M Lilly Endowment grant supports Eastern Mennonite Seminary launch of conflict transformation programming for pastoral leaders

Eastern Mennonite University has been awarded a grant of $998,606 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to support Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s development of a new interdisciplinary pastoral leadership institute that will offer
... read more about $1M Lilly Endowment grant supports Eastern Mennonite Seminary launch of conflict transformation programming for pastoral leaders

CJP grads facilitate discussions at MC USA Delegate Assembly

Graduates of EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding Sidney Morgan MA '21 and Matt Tibbles MA '18 provided professional facilitation services at the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly in Kansas City, Missouri in May. Morgan graduated from the transformational leadership program and is the CEO of Red Sea Road Consulting. Tibbles, who earned his degree in conflict transformation, directs the transformational leadership program at CJP and is the co-founder of Generative Futures Consulting. ... read more about CJP grads facilitate discussions at MC USA Delegate Assembly from MCUSA