EMU's two publications that earned honors from the Educational Advertising Awards are the 2020 viewbook and spring/summer issue of Crossroads alumni magazine. (Photo by Jon Styer)

EMU publications win advertising honors

EMU picked up honors in the 35th Annual Educational Advertising Awards, earning  two “Merit” awards for the 2020 viewbook and the fall/winter issue of Crossroads alumni magazine.

The viewbook and the magazine reflect “our new visual elements that help us communicate our unique call to ‘Lead Together’ in a polarized world,” said Jon Styer, EMU’s creative director and brand manager. “We are pleased at this external recognition of both our creative teamwork and two products that are important for the university.”

Only 25% of the entries from nearly 1,000 colleges, universities and secondary schools in the United States and several other countries earned an award.

A spread from EMU’s award-winning 2020 viewbook.

The viewbook is “the heart of our print portfolio, displayed both on the road at college fairs and high school visits, but also within physical mail communication flows that both students and parents can access,” said Matt Ruth, director of admissions. “It’s designed to hit the highlights of what EMU has to offer and who we are, making an impression  with the hope that the prospective student is intrigued and motivated to continue the conversation and their exploration on our website.”

Crossroads is a biannual magazine with an approximate circulation of 15,000.

Styer designed both of the winning entries, with contributions from other marketing and admissions staff, to highlight EMU’s brand revitalization around the new tagline “Lead Together.” 

“EMU spent the past year doing a brand audit and the viewbook was the key project that brought our new messaging to life for the prospective student audience,” he said. “In creating this first issue of Crossroads magazine since the brand audit, we wanted to share and explain that new messaging with our highly valued alumni and donor constituency.”

“Both of these groups had a real role in helping us to visualize what makes an EMU education unique and distinctive,” said magazine editor Lauren Jefferson. “For me, the special moment was inviting a select group of alumni to participate as exemplars of ‘leading together.’ They are truly representative of how our alumni live and work as servant leaders around the world.”

The team of marketing professionals who contributed to the viewbook include Laura Lehman, web strategist and copywriter; Macson McGuigan, photography and video manager; and Phil Tieszen, former director of recruitment marketing. 

The Crossroads magazine team for the winning issue included Anna Gant, alumni administrative assistant; Christopher Clymer Kurtz, former staff writer; and McGuigan.

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