NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors

Reclaimed police funds could be distributed to shelters, rape crisis centers, mental health services and programs to combat sexual violence, experts say ... Community-driven responses to sexual violence like transformative justice offer some insight on how that might come to fruition. While there is no single definition, transformative justice could be broadly defined as a “framework that doesn’t depend on solving violence with another form of violence,” Johonna Turner, an assistant professor of restorative justice and peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, said. ... read more about NBC News: Professor Johonna Turner on ‘defund the police’ movement and new paths to justice for sexual assault survivors from NBC News

2020 Excellence in Teaching awards honor professors Daniel Showalter, Johonna Turner and Bonnie Yoder

Eastern Mennonite University announces three honors of the annual Excellence in Teaching Awards: in the Tenured Faculty category, Daniel Showalter PhD, associate professor of mathematics;  in the Pre-tenure Faculty category, ... read more about 2020 Excellence in Teaching awards honor professors Daniel Showalter, Johonna Turner and Bonnie Yoder

Caitlin Morneau MA ’19 on lifting up restorative practices in a pandemic

As I walk through my own new “normal” during this time of pandemic and talk with ministry leaders and restorative justice practitioners throughout the country, there are particular components of circle process and other restorative practices that I have found hold renewed meaning in this time. ... read more about Caitlin Morneau MA ’19 on lifting up restorative practices in a pandemic from Ignatian Solidarity Network