Nine students from two campuses build community and gain professional experience at EMU’s Washington Community Scholars’ Center in DC

Seven Eastern Mennonite University students and two Goshen College students are at the Washington Community Scholars’ Center (WCSC) this spring, where they are gaining invaluable professional experience. The students represent ... read more about Nine students from two campuses build community and gain professional experience at EMU’s Washington Community Scholars’ Center in DC

In Ed Week op-ed, Professor Ryan Good draws attention to school closures

"America at large is facing two pandemics: racism and COVID-19. But, low-income Black and Brown children in America are facing one more, the temporary and permanent closure of their schools." Read an Ed Week op-ed co-authored by Ryan Good, assistant professor and co-director at the Washington Community Scholars Center in Washington D.C. ... read more about In Ed Week op-ed, Professor Ryan Good draws attention to school closures from Ed Week