EMU’s D.C. program offers policy and advocacy internship opportunities to support new majors

A spring semester visit by Eastern Mennonite University students, history professors Mark Metzler Sawin, Mary Sprunger and Ji Eun Kim, and career services director Kimberly Phillips highlighted internship opportunities in ... read more about EMU’s D.C. program offers policy and advocacy internship opportunities to support new majors

Centennial Histories Symposium taps into Mennonite higher ed’s ‘commonality and unity’ to face challenging times

Students and seasoned scholars alike gathered March 24 at Eastern Mennonite University for the Centennial Histories Symposium, a day-long intellectual gathering featuring the authors of five histories of Mennonite higher ... read more about Centennial Histories Symposium taps into Mennonite higher ed’s ‘commonality and unity’ to face challenging times

‘Crossing the Line’ Anabaptist women’s history conference attracts scholars, artists and boundary-crossers

Women casting off their bonnets, pushing at the margins of traditional behavior, moving away from their faith communities and into different cultures, writing and speaking of what they were told ... read more about ‘Crossing the Line’ Anabaptist women’s history conference attracts scholars, artists and boundary-crossers

Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’

Madalynn Payne, traveling this summer with the “Radical Europe Anabaptist Roots” cross-cultural group from Eastern Mennonite University, says train travel, walking tours, independent exploration and dining in unfamiliar cultures have ... read more about Summer ’17 cross-culturals travel to the Navajo Nation, Bolivia, Spain and ‘Anabaptist Europe’