The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water. Genesis ... read more about Longtime cross-cultural leaders plan final voyage

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water. Genesis ... read more about Longtime cross-cultural leaders plan final voyage
Since 1998, undergraduate, graduate and alumni groups from Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary have made the Tent of Nations farm outside of Bethlehem a regular stop on their ... read more about EMU hosts Tent of Nations’ Daoud Nassar, reciprocating hospitality after years of visits to his Palestine farm
Jordan Luther, a 2015 graduate of EMU with a degree in Bible and religion, is earning a Master of Divinity degree at Vanderbilt Divinity School. He contributed to an ongoing series ... read more about Grad School Q & A: Jordan Luther ’15 at Vanderbilt Divinity School
Karla Martin graduated from Eastern Mennonite University in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in biology and pre-physical therapy and a minor in psychology. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of ... read more about Grad School Q & A: Karla Martin ’13, pursuing a doctorate in physical therapy at Duke University
My wife and I have led 13 groups of college students to the Middle East since 1991 as part of Eastern Mennonite University’s required cross-cultural program. During the semester-long immersive ... read more about ‘Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem’: Longtime cross-cultural leader Linford Stutzman on Trump’s U.S. embassy move
Before her recent Eastern Mennonite University Alumni and Friends Tour to Israel and Palestine, Betty Holsinger Shenk ’75 “knew it would be great.” It turned out, though, to be more ... read more about EMU Alumni and Friends Tour to Israel and Palestine will have ‘lifelong impact’
Matt Gnagey, now an assistant professor at Weber State (Ogden, Utah), graduated from Eastern Mennonite University in 2005, majoring in economics and justice, peace and conflict studies. He received his ... read more about Grad School Q & A: Matt Gnagey ’05, professor at Weber State
Student Robert Propst invites readers into the world of Guatemala, where he and other members of the spring Guatemala and Colombia trip led by Professor Ann Hershberger and her husband, ... read more about Stay tuned to spring semester cross-culturals traveling in Guatemala/Colombia, the Middle East and Washington D.C.
Was your cross-cultural a transformative experience? Would you like to travel again in the same way, learning from locals and visiting off-the-beaten-path places? Or have you heard so many stories ... read more about EMU to offer alumni and friends cross-cultural trips during Centennial year
Cell-phones are this generation’s cigarette. That was one analysis provided by Jerry Holsopple and Linford Stutzman to students participating in an October Living and Learning Forum at Eastern Mennonite University. ... read more about ‘This generation’s cigarette’: media and religion professors team up to analyze selfie culture