Harmonizing amidst hostility: Musician Peter Yarrow and talented experts teach conflict transformation processes

Promising that yes, he would eventually sing “Puff the Magic Dragon,” legendary folk singer and activist Peter Yarrow –  formerly of the group Peter, Paul and Mary – gave an impromptu ... read more about Harmonizing amidst hostility: Musician Peter Yarrow and talented experts teach conflict transformation processes

Refugee teens discover strengths and work to smooth newcomers’ paths with Harrisonburg High’s Peer Leader program

For 15 students participating in a resilience training at Eastern Mennonite University, one role-play activity hit close to home. The small-group skits were focused on inviting students to learn how ... read more about Refugee teens discover strengths and work to smooth newcomers’ paths with Harrisonburg High’s Peer Leader program

Visiting scholar researches peace through dance, as EMU explores MFA program in arts, media and peacebuilding

Whether a dancer is trained or untrained, the action of dancing itself creates “contact with different sources of knowledge,” says Paula Ditzel Facci, who spent the fall 2016 semester as ... read more about Visiting scholar researches peace through dance, as EMU explores MFA program in arts, media and peacebuilding

‘Conversations on Sexual Violence’ symposium aims to nurture community-building and resilience

A multi-year research project on domestic violence, under the direction of professor Carolyn Stauffer, will be highlighted in a community education symposium at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) this spring. The ... read more about ‘Conversations on Sexual Violence’ symposium aims to nurture community-building and resilience