A catalyst for stewardship, Ray Martin helps EMU and partners to launch the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions

Holding his 19-month-old grandson, Ray Martin told the audience gathered at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) Thursday afternoon why he had made a generous donation to study and combat the issues ... read more about A catalyst for stewardship, Ray Martin helps EMU and partners to launch the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions

Groundbreaking research shows sustainably produced foods are a big factor in maintaining EMU’s low nitrogen footprint

Thanks to an alumna scientist, Eastern Mennonite University was among the first schools involved in groundbreaking work that is raising awareness about institutional nitrogen footprints. Laura Cattell Noll ’09, a ... read more about Groundbreaking research shows sustainably produced foods are a big factor in maintaining EMU’s low nitrogen footprint

Earthkeepers sustainability mini-grant competition rewards grassroots innovation on campus

Not all sustainability initiatives come from the top down at Eastern Mennonite University. Earthkeepers’ annual mini-grant competition fosters grass-roots innovation and ingenuity among the entire campus community, says club president ... read more about Earthkeepers sustainability mini-grant competition rewards grassroots innovation on campus

After two years as Recyclemania runner-up, EMU wins the top state ranking in campus community recycling contest

For the last four years, Eastern Mennonite University has finished as runner-up in the state rankings of colleges and universities participating in the national Recyclemania contest. But not in 2015. ... read more about After two years as Recyclemania runner-up, EMU wins the top state ranking in campus community recycling contest

Mennonite Camping Association maintenance teams visit EMU to learn sustainable models for renovation of historic facilities

About 10 years ago, Gordon Shantz, director of maintenance at Highland Retreat in Bergton, Virginia, faced a problem. The first permanent structure ever built on the property – a bathhouse with ... read more about Mennonite Camping Association maintenance teams visit EMU to learn sustainable models for renovation of historic facilities