Earthkeepers sustainability mini-grant competition rewards grassroots innovation on campus

Not all sustainability initiatives come from the top down at Eastern Mennonite University. Earthkeepers’ annual mini-grant competition fosters grass-roots innovation and ingenuity among the entire campus community, says club president ... read more about Earthkeepers sustainability mini-grant competition rewards grassroots innovation on campus

Sustainable Food Initiative partners with Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community farm to grow, harvest vegetables

When Tyler Eshleman took the helm of Eastern Mennonite University’s sputtering student-led Sustainable Food Initiative (SFI) last year, his goals were modest: to return the weed-choked campus gardens to their ... read more about Sustainable Food Initiative partners with Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community farm to grow, harvest vegetables

After two years as Recyclemania runner-up, EMU wins the top state ranking in campus community recycling contest

For the last four years, Eastern Mennonite University has finished as runner-up in the state rankings of colleges and universities participating in the national Recyclemania contest. But not in 2015. ... read more about After two years as Recyclemania runner-up, EMU wins the top state ranking in campus community recycling contest

Retired, long-time science and math professors recall teaching wide range of topics in original Suter building

A hammer banged away on the $7 million renovation project of Suter Science Center as six retired professors talked about their careers in the 46-year-old Eastern Mennonite University building. They ... read more about Retired, long-time science and math professors recall teaching wide range of topics in original Suter building