‘Christianity amid systemic racism is an oxymoron’: Visiting pastor Cyneatha Millsaps challenges EMU community

Cyneatha Millsaps is lead pastor of Community Mennonite Church in the Chicago suburb of Markham, Illinois, and multicultural liaison/consultant for Illinois Mennonite Conference. She’s a community activist and advocate for ... read more about ‘Christianity amid systemic racism is an oxymoron’: Visiting pastor Cyneatha Millsaps challenges EMU community

Shane Claiborne and Jubilee USA Network announce new partnership during EMU visit to address biblical vision for a just economy

Shane Claiborne of Red Letter Christians and Andrew Hanauer, campaigns director for Jubilee USA Network, will kick off a new partnership between the two organizations with a visit to Eastern ... read more about Shane Claiborne and Jubilee USA Network announce new partnership during EMU visit to address biblical vision for a just economy

EMU students lead Y-Serve trips to Georgia, West Virginia and Michigan, while Civil Rights Tour makes pilgrimage south

Eastern Mennonite University students scattered far and wide — from Georgia to Michigan — during March’s Spring Break on four different Y-Serve service learning trips. (Y-Serve is the new name ... read more about EMU students lead Y-Serve trips to Georgia, West Virginia and Michigan, while Civil Rights Tour makes pilgrimage south

Author Todd Wynward shares a wild way of discipleship, more ‘earth-honoring, empire-resisting, despair-erasing’

Wilderness lovers, sustainability advocates, farmers, writers, educators and seminarians – Todd Wynward’s message, shared during a series of events from Oct. 1-7 at Eastern Mennonite University, will appeal to anyone ... read more about Author Todd Wynward shares a wild way of discipleship, more ‘earth-honoring, empire-resisting, despair-erasing’