Top Photos of 2018

  From the beauty of a sunset from the High Knob overlook to residence life assistants on a mock safari, enjoy a collection of the best photos of 2018, selected
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Fall concerts at EMU

EMU’s music department put on several concerts at the conclusion of the fall 2018 semester.Enjoy performance highlights from the Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Emulate choral group, Wind Ensemble, and the Lessons
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Student group Safe Space organizes silent protest in response to visiting theologian’s refusal to meet

A group of Eastern Mennonite University students gathered outside of Lehman Auditorium before and after a November campus worship service featuring visiting theologian N.T. Wright to draw attention to his
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Committee on Diversity and Inclusion begins ‘groundwatering’ for racial equity work on campus

 The 17-member Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) at Eastern Mennonite University has a broad mission – and specific plans for implementing its vision. CODI hosts a racial equity leadership institute introductory forum in
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