Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

Isaac Dahl is a religious and intercultural studies major. Quinn Kathrineberg plans on a career as an English teacher. Maria Yoder wants to be a doctor. Among the members of
... read more about Outreach chamber quartet brings together biology, religion, education majors and yes, one future professional musician, to give the gift of music in unusual venues

In winning history essay, junior Elisabeth Wilder connects conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly to transgender rights

For the first time, an Eastern Mennonite University student has won the Francis J. Ryan Undergraduate American Studies Paper Award. Junior Elisabeth Wilder of Hesston, Kansas, earned the honor at
... read more about In winning history essay, junior Elisabeth Wilder connects conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly to transgender rights