Inspired by Romanian survivors of sexual trafficking, Rebekah York takes the lead and stands for #Stand4Freedom

On Tuesday, Rebekah York stood in Thomas Plaza – sometimes alone, sometimes with a crowd – surrounded by ghostly chalked outlines of feet that marked those who had stood, even
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Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir kicks off busy spring with concert, auditions and ‘fun’ new choirs

The Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir (SVCC) hosts their annual spring concert, a kick-off to a busy spring season of auditions and fundraising. SVCC also introduces unauditioned spring choirs for children
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Mennonite Camping Association maintenance teams visit EMU to learn sustainable models for renovation of historic facilities

About 10 years ago, Gordon Shantz, director of maintenance at Highland Retreat in Bergton, Virginia, faced a problem. The first permanent structure ever built on the property – a bathhouse with
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Eastern Mennonite Missions president discusses challenges of global mission engagement in Augsburger Lecture series

To explain the dramatic changes in missions engagement over the last half-century, Nelson Okanya, MDiv ’03, president of Eastern Mennonite Missions, utilizes a stark image: a sturdy bridge, spanning a
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