Celebrate EMU’s Alumni Award recipients Friday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 on Facebook Live! These honored guests will be joined at the Homecoming opening celebration with President Susan Schultz Huxman (and ... read more about Homecoming 2020: Alumni Awards
Danita Rountree Green shares about Coming to the Table in Richmond, Virginia (CTTT-RVA), a local nonprofit that invites people to engage in the sharing of stories at the table where food and facilitation become the perfect ingredients for spawning new friendships across the racial divide. We invite you to meet the ever-growing CTTT-RVA family and join us as we deal with our country’s oldest problem: the legacy of enslavement and the racism it has spawned. We are excited about our work: taking disparate stories and developing a shared narrative leading to healing. CTTT orginated at EMU.
... read more about The Presbyterian Outlook features Richmond chapter of Coming To The Table from The Presbyterian Outlook