Symposium and lecture by Catholic victims advocate Tom Doyle focuses on institutional harms and healing

Capping a month-long series of events around the topic of healthy sexuality and sexual violence, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) welcomed Father Tom Doyle, a Roman Catholic sexual abuse victim advocate,
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Supporting or solving the inequities of our economic system is a moral choice, says Shane Claiborne, partnering with Jubilee USA Network

It is not often we are challenged, head on, to rid the world of suffering by taking the words of Jesus literally. Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) students, faculty, and Harrisonburg
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Shane Claiborne and Jubilee USA Network announce new partnership during EMU visit to address biblical vision for a just economy

Shane Claiborne of Red Letter Christians and Andrew Hanauer, campaigns director for Jubilee USA Network, will kick off a new partnership between the two organizations with a visit to Eastern
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