Supporting or solving the inequities of our economic system is a moral choice, says Shane Claiborne, partnering with Jubilee USA Network

It is not often we are challenged, head on, to rid the world of suffering by taking the words of Jesus literally. Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) students, faculty, and Harrisonburg
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Comparative religions expert and Fulbright Scholar Syafaatun Almirzanah joins EMU faculty from Indonesia

Eastern Mennonite University and the Center for Interfaith Engagement welcomes Fulbright Scholar Dr. Syafaatun Almirzanah for the 2016-17 academic year. She is on the faculty of theology in the Department
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Shane Claiborne and Jubilee USA Network announce new partnership during EMU visit to address biblical vision for a just economy

Shane Claiborne of Red Letter Christians and Andrew Hanauer, campaigns director for Jubilee USA Network, will kick off a new partnership between the two organizations with a visit to Eastern
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Restorative Justice in Education Academy draws educators from six states for introduction into creating socially just, equitable learning environments

Jonathan Stith invoked civil rights leader Ella Baker in his keynote address at Eastern Mennonite University’s Restorative Justice in Education Academy last week. Stith, who is national coordinator at the
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International flags fly in the University Commons, as chapel service dedicates The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations

The flags of 55 countries now hang in “The Orie O. Miller Hall of Nations,” dedicated during a chapel service at the University Commons at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on
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Veterans Administration psychologist and chaplain program director presents ‘Reevaluating the Invisible Wounds of War’

Clinical psychologist Jason Nieuwsma presents a Suter Science Seminar on the invisible wounds of war at 4 p.m., Friday, April 8, in Suter Science 106 at Eastern Mennonite University. Nieuwsma
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Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman gains appreciation for Anabaptist leadership and values during campus visit

Internationally known speaker and psychologist Daniel Goleman visited Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) on Saturday, April 2, for a day-long training and evening lecture. Among those in the appreciative audience was
... read more about Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman gains appreciation for Anabaptist leadership and values during campus visit

‘Emotional Intelligence’ author Dan Goleman joins EMU graduate counseling faculty to share latest research on focus

Psychologist and author of Emotional Intelligence and Focus Daniel Goleman has transformed the way the world educates children, relates to family and friends, and conducts business. The Wall Street Journal
... read more about ‘Emotional Intelligence’ author Dan Goleman joins EMU graduate counseling faculty to share latest research on focus