Business administration majors head to D.C. to gain experience in human resources and operations management

Two Bluffton University students are accumulating a precious resource in Washington D.C. this semester: social capital. Sophomore Jason Summers is an operations assistant intern at Wacif (Washington Area Community Investment
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Stay tuned to spring semester cross-culturals traveling in Guatemala/Colombia, the Middle East and Washington D.C.

Student Robert Propst invites readers into the world of Guatemala, where he and other members of the spring Guatemala and Colombia trip led by Professor Ann Hershberger and her husband,
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Justapaz intern shares hopes for a future Colombian peace billed as ‘impossible’

Senior social work major Elisabeth Wilder spent 12 weeks last summer working for peacebuilding organization Justapaz in Bogota, Colombia. A grant from Eastern Mennonite University’s Peacebuilding and Development Department funded
... read more about Justapaz intern shares hopes for a future Colombian peace billed as ‘impossible’