A desk job with a regular routine certainly isn’t for everyone, and Jake Lind ’16 knew it wasn’t for him after graduation from Eastern Mennonite University. Lind describes himself as
... read more about Soccer dreams do come true: Coerver United coach Jake Lind talks about the work he loves
Twelve students representing eight research projects across various scientific disciplines had to condense and disseminate their results of weeks or semesters of work at Eastern Mennonite University’s Dec. 7 STEM
... read more about Ligand synthesis and bio-remediation projects earn top awards at fall student research symposium
A new agreement with Temple University’s School of Podiatric Medicine guarantees admission to two qualifying graduates of Eastern Mennonite University’s MA in Biomedicine program. Temple’s Foot & Ankle Institute is
... read more about Temple University podiatry school guarantees two spots annually to qualifying biomedicine students
With cross-cultural medical service trips becoming increasingly common, one graduate student in Eastern Mennonite University’s MA in Biomedicine program is sharing his own experience working in Nicaragua. Graduate student Milan
... read more about Cross-cultural medical service provides biomed students with important skills
In his native Caroline County, Virginia, Mark Loving II’s family name is well known. Beyond generations of rootedness, there is both a plaque at the courthouse and a historical marker about his family history. One reason why Mark came to
... read more about Mark Loving on the film ‘Loving’ and a Supreme Court case that changed the nation
A new articulation agreement provides admissions-related preferences for Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) undergraduate and graduate students seeking acceptance into health professional programs in Mary Baldwin University’s Murphy Deming College of
... read more about Articulation agreement with Mary Baldwin University gives students pathways into PT, OT and PA programs
In a 2014 Scientific American blog post championing greater diversity within the sciences, Dr. Kenneth Gibbs Jr. writes that “the large and persistent under-representation of certain social groups from the
... read more about Professors collaborate to improve instructional methods in STEM classes, thanks to NSF research grant
How does a doctor decide on a medical specialty? Dr. Chris Longenecker ’01 can recount a family history in the medical profession, fluency in French, and a trip to southern
... read more about Cardiologist Chris Longenecker ’01 finds a niche with HIV/AIDS research in the US and Africa
Yanna Lambrinidou wants to teach today’s engineers-in-training how to listen to their clients and extended communities. To that end, the professor in Virginia Tech’s Department of Science and Technology has
... read more about Engineering ethics expert brings questions about communication, authority and civic responsibility to Flint crisis
Recent Virginia Commonwealth University dental school graduate Lyubov Slashcheva '11, who immigrated from Kazakhstan at age 5 to Virginia, graduated from high school at age 16, and then finished her undergraduate degree at EMU in 2 1/2 years, talks about her life and service. ... read more about Dentist Lyubov Slashcheva ’11 talks faith, floss and family with Richmond Magazine from Richmond Magazine