New website curated by Swarthmore archivist Anne Yoder ’81 features World War I conscientious objectors

A collection of over 700 historic documents curated by an Eastern Mennonite University graduate working at Swarthmore (Pennsylvania) College sheds light on a broader spectrum of conscientious objectors (C.O.s) during
... read more about New website curated by Swarthmore archivist Anne Yoder ’81 features World War I conscientious objectors

Donald Kraybill’s book chronicling Eastern Mennonite University exposes a sometimes messy history

When Eastern Mennonite University commissioned scholar Donald Kraybill to write a book about the school’s first 100 years, he said he wanted poetic license to look at the history through a sociological and theological lens. What emerged is a book that exposes the school’s warts as well as its highlights. ... read more about Donald Kraybill’s book chronicling Eastern Mennonite University exposes a sometimes messy history from Lancaster Online