‘Magpie’s Blanket,’ a novel by Professor Kimberly Schmidt, named WILLA Literary Award finalist

A novel by Professor Kimberly Schmidt of Eastern Mennonite University has been honored by Women Writing the West, an organization that supports authors who promote women’s contribution in western United
... read more about ‘Magpie’s Blanket,’ a novel by Professor Kimberly Schmidt, named WILLA Literary Award finalist

History professor Holly Scott on how ‘We’re Shifting from Protest to Resistance – Just Like People Did in the 60s.’

Holly Scott is an assistant professor of history at Eastern Mennonite University and a native of Charlottesville, Virginia. She is the author of Younger Than That Now: the Politics of Age in the 1960s (University of Massachusetts Press, 2016). ... read more about History professor Holly Scott on how ‘We’re Shifting from Protest to Resistance – Just Like People Did in the 60s.’ from History News Network

Donald Kraybill’s book chronicling Eastern Mennonite University exposes a sometimes messy history

When Eastern Mennonite University commissioned scholar Donald Kraybill to write a book about the school’s first 100 years, he said he wanted poetic license to look at the history through a sociological and theological lens. What emerged is a book that exposes the school’s warts as well as its highlights. ... read more about Donald Kraybill’s book chronicling Eastern Mennonite University exposes a sometimes messy history from Lancaster Online