Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell

Professor Melody M. Pannell shares experiences in researching the effects of racism and sexism, as well as historical trauma, on the mental health of young black girls in this article for the magazine of Mennonite Women USA.     ... read more about Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell from Timbrel

English language learners benefit from EMU educators influenced by Anabaptist values in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reports researcher in Sojourners magazine

In a time of rapid change and new demographics in the United States, some communities are better equipped to respond to integration of non-English-speaking immigrant and refugee populations. Because of
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Scholars from Harrisonburg and Lancaster campuses attend ‘Women Doing Theology’ conference

In a photo taken outside the Women Doing Theology Conference last month, Eastern Mennonite Seminary (EMS) Lancaster student Karyn Nancarvis flexes her muscles and grins. Nancarvis attended the conference in Leesburg,
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Restorative justice retreat draws law enforcement practitioners for networking, resources and planning

Representatives from six police departments across the country attended a law enforcement retreat on restorative justice Nov. 11-13 near Harrisonburg, Virginia. The retreat was co-hosted by the Harrisonburg (Virginia) Police
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