Refugee teens discover strengths and work to smooth newcomers’ paths with Harrisonburg High’s Peer Leader program

For 15 students participating in a resilience training at Eastern Mennonite University, one role-play activity hit close to home. The small-group skits were focused on inviting students to learn how
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‘How can we be silent?’: Mennonite education is more important now than ever, says executive director of Mennonite Education Agency

Carlos Romero is Executive Director of Mennonite Education Agency. This article originally ran in the January issue of The Mennonite magazine, focused on education.  I can’t remember living in a
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English language learners benefit from EMU educators influenced by Anabaptist values in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reports researcher in Sojourners magazine

In a time of rapid change and new demographics in the United States, some communities are better equipped to respond to integration of non-English-speaking immigrant and refugee populations. Because of
... read more about English language learners benefit from EMU educators influenced by Anabaptist values in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reports researcher in Sojourners magazine