Eastern Mennonite University’s campus was bustling this fall, even as students adapted to serious public health precautions. Masks, social distancing, and even limits on indoor gatherings couldn’t break the stride of the creative staff and students who make up the Campus Activities Council and Recreational Sports teams, and the myriad clubs that appeal to unique student interests. Plus, our beautiful campus and the mild Virginia weather provides a lot of space for safe activities.
Here, EMU News has collected some of our favorite photos to share some of the games, community building, and talent sharing that took place this fall.

Campus Activities Council leaders Amanda Gilbert and Seth Andreas call out numbers in a game of “Screaming Bingo.” Students spread out across Yoder Arena to play, or joined by Zoom. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Thomas Guadalupe-Johnson takes advantage of a warm fall day to paint on Thomas Plaza. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Merry Yirga and Jakiran Richardson, officers in the Black Student Alliance, speak during the dedication of a community art project “Black Lives Matter” in front of University Commons. (Photo by Rebekah Budnikas)

Anisa Leonard, a barista in the Common Grounds coffee shop, serves a chilled confection to General Manager Lauren Hartzler under the plexiglass barrier installed as a health precaution this fall. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Lindsey White serves produce to market customers who pick out sweet potatoes, winter squash, peppers, swiss chard, and herbs grown by the Sustainable Food Initiative in their on-campus gardens. The student-run club offers produce, eggs, and locally-produced milk to students for free. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Nathan Longenecker, Seth Andreas, and Aaron Moyer present a plate of the cafeteria delicacy that inspired their tongue-in-cheek hip-hop track “Meatball Mac.” (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Professor Bob Curry, left, leads the Jazz Band in an outdoor, socially distanced rehearsal. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Even our new Herm enjoyed some responsible outdoor socialization this semester. (Photo by Jared Oyer)

Aaron Horst belays while Sophie Kirkton scales the climbing wall during a Rec Sports event this semester. (Photo by Jared Oyer)

Nathan Oostland was a contender in a log toss held at the lumberjack-themed “Choptober Fest.” Other festivities that day included ax-throwing, jousting, “Flapjack Batter Pictionary,” and a costume contest. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)

Lucy Unzicker traverses an obstacle course planned by the CAC and recreational sports via scooter board. (Photo by Jared Oyer)

Aficionados and vocalists share space at the open-air Thomas Plaza during a Chamber Singers recital in November. The Chamber Singers were preparing for EMU’s annual gala. (Photos by Rachel Holderman)

Maya Dula tie-dyes a t-shirt at an event co-sponsored by the Psychology Club and Art Club the week before Thanksgiving. (Photo by Rachel Holderman)
It is wonderful to see these responsible gatherings. It truly shows a caring for each other that is much needed right now.
Very Creative activities! Looks like fun stuff! Thanks for sharing
I strongly second Marie Johnston and Russ Leinbach.