If the falling snow hasn’t gotten you into the Christmas spirit, one more concert remains in EMU’s holiday offerings.
- Sunday, Dec. 9: Wind Ensemble, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Lehman Auditorium. Wind and brass music regarded as classics by band members and scholars will be presented, with highlights byGustav Holst, J.S. Bach and Georges Bizet. Contemporary selections include works by Howard Hanson, David Holsinger and John Gibson. There’s no better way to beat the weekend snow than a musical feast of wind ensemble classics for the holiday season!
And then there’s the grand finale that also launches us all into Finals Week!
On Monday, Dec. 10, EMU offers its traditional lessons and carols service, a collaboration between Campus Ministries and the music department. The service begins at 7 p.m. in Lehman Auditorium, and is free and open to the public. A freewill offering will benefit the Campus Ministries Compassion Fund.
LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE! Check out the EMU Facebook page to watch.
In the classic approach to lessons and carols, scripture passages will feature the image of light and trace themes of need and longing, stories surrounding the birth of Jesus, and the celebration of “God with us!”
In addition to congregational singing with the EMU University Choir, musical selections will be offered by the EMU music department’s faculty and students. A new composition by senior Luke Mullet, For Peace, will be performed. The text for the work is adapted from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Christmas Bells. Students serving in pastoral assistant roles with campus ministries will read the lessons from the Christian scriptures.
Join us as we welcome the light of God’s Son into the world this Christmas season!