“With deep division in our country and around the world this year’s Advent greeting provides an opportunity to reflect on God’s unfailing love, and the joy brought by the birth of the Prince of Peace,” notes Eastern Mennonite University’s Interim President Lee Snyder.
The greeting features stunning footage of the nearby Allegheny Mountains. EMU’s vocal ensemble Emulate performs a special rendition of the classic “Go Tell It On the Mountain,” arranged and conducted by junior Perry Blosser.
Blosser, from Harrisonburg, Va., is a music interdisciplinary major with an emphasis on Bible and religion and a minor in Bible and religion.
In creating the arrangement, Blosser says he asked: “What would it feel like, or what would it sound like, to be out in a pasture in the still of the night and to be suddenly blessed with a heavenly host singing the news of a newborn Christ?”
“I’ve worked to contrast the grandeur and majesty of the angels and mountains against the intimate manger scene that also holds immense power,” he says. “To me, this image, and proclamation of the angels, is a commission to seek out Christ. As the shepherds were told, Christ is out there! He is here! He is here for you, and me, and all of us! And for us in the valley, this is quite literally a command to go out and proclaim Christ’s coming. Get out and over the hills!”
Visit our special Advent webpage through the coming days for scripture, reflection and special poetry.
An Advent poem, “Jesus Born in Harrisonburg,” written by Adam Shank ’06, begins:
And you Harrisonburg, in the Valley of Shenandoah, are not the least among towns of the I81 corridor:
for out of thee will come my beloved, who will bring us together, who will make us whole.
Shank graduated with a double major in justice, peace and conflict studies and Spanish. He currently serves as parent liaison at Smithland Elementary School in Harrisonburg.
Reflect and enjoy our past EMU Advent videos: 2016 |2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2008 | 2007
I’m delighted and proud of the gifts being released in my student Perry Blosser!
I’ve enjoyed witnessing and being a part of Perry’s compositional journey. He has a very bright future ahead!
So proud of EMS grad Perry. Beautiful