EMU and Seminary Offer Online Lenten Devotions

Lenten reflections from EMUEMU and EMS has prepared a series of devotional meditations for each week day of Lent, that begins Wednesday, Feb. 25.

Faculty, staff, students and alumni have written reflections based on the Lectionary scriptures for the 40-day period leading up to Easter Sunday, Apr. 12.

Brian Martin Burkholder “Many of us hardly know what true fasting and penitence looks like,” says Brian Martin Burkholder, EMU campus pastor, in an introductory Ash Wednesday message. “We’re pretty high on living into an Easter faith with almost daily Easter feasting! What would it mean to give ourselves to practicing a genuine Lenten journey?

Martin Burkholder notes that the scriptures selected for Lent 2009 “invite us to encounter significant God-initiated covenants and the journey of Jesus from being anointed by God through baptism to faithfully surrendering his life on the cross. How might we respond?

“I invite us to take the risk of moving toward a genuine Lenten journey this year. Let the sense of emptiness come and strive to not fill it with fluff,” Martin Burkholder states.

“Ponder the big questions of life and faith and even doubt. Embrace the depths of reflection that does not quickly resolve. We can be travel companions. Perhaps this guide will help.”

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