Making s’mores over a campfire, going out for milkshakes, reading scripture, or conversing about the complexities of life: Whether lifting someone up in prayer or just being a good listener, student spiritual leaders at EMU offer important gifts that are valuable and enriching to the campus community.
It’s fitting to recognize this donation of time and spiritual leadership in Crossroads alongside other donors: these students will most likely become alumni who are involved in similar generous ways in the communities where they will reside and work.
For now, we thank this group of 24 students for their work here on campus, under the guidance of undergraduate campus pastor Lana Miller.
Pictured below are pastoral assistants, usually upperclass students who lead and mentor the ministry assistants, and ministry assistants, who are enrolled in a ministry exploration class. Ministry assistants reside in each of the residence halls, where they minister among their peers and organize regular Worship Nights programs. (Their T-shirts quote the campus ministries theme for the year: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Matthew 16:13-20.)

Northlawn Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Jolee Paden, Oksana Kittrell, Alexa Weeks, Jasmine Miller, Megan Weaver, Makora Nyagwegwe, Anel Molina

Cedarwood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Lydia Tissue, Jessica Longenecker, Bekah York, Taylor Mirarachi, Wesley Wilder, Perry Blosser, Megan Bishop, Seung Han

Maplewood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Heyrin (Lynne) Cha, Da’Jahnea Robinson, Amanda Helfrich, Nathaniel Ressler.

Elmwood Pastoral Assistants and Ministry Assistants: Jonathan Augsberger, Sarah Jennings, Luis Longo, Sarah Boshart, Courtney Unruh.