Frontiers in peacebuilding: from Pakistan, the Philippines and Guatemala come stories of engaging with police and military

How can peacebuilders engage with the police and military in pursuing peace? And how can police and the military engage with peacebuilders? That was the topic of a luncheon presentation ... read more about Frontiers in peacebuilding: from Pakistan, the Philippines and Guatemala come stories of engaging with police and military

Capstone Projects 2015: Center for Justice and Peacebuilding graduates research issues of conflict transformation

When Katrina Gehman began her four-month practicum experience at the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI), she quickly learned that some terms have different meanings in different contexts. ... read more about Capstone Projects 2015: Center for Justice and Peacebuilding graduates research issues of conflict transformation

‘Shenandoah Confession’ emerges from 2014 intercollegiate peace meeting, in spirit of 1527 Schleitheim Confession

Students from seven Anabaptist colleges wrapped up a three-day Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Conference, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2014, at Eastern Mennonite University by deciding to issue the Shenandoah Confession, drafted in ... read more about ‘Shenandoah Confession’ emerges from 2014 intercollegiate peace meeting, in spirit of 1527 Schleitheim Confession

CJP prof Lisa Schirch points way to better relationships, roles, for military, government and civil society

On the Wikipedia page for “Security Sector Reform,” you’ll read some nice-sounding stuff about helping police and military forces become more accountable to democratically elected governments and to hold human ... read more about CJP prof Lisa Schirch points way to better relationships, roles, for military, government and civil society