How can peacebuilders engage with the police and military in pursuing peace? And how can police and the military engage with peacebuilders? That was the topic of a luncheon presentation ... read more about Frontiers in peacebuilding: from Pakistan, the Philippines and Guatemala come stories of engaging with police and military
The first leg of her journey toward directing Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) began in 2001 when Katie Mansfield, then a divisional vice president of Goldman Sachs, lived ... read more about New STAR director brings vast experience with trauma, from 9/11 in Manhattan, through Kenya, to Swiss grad studies
In the summer of 1994, about 40 peace and development workers gathered on the campus of Eastern Mennonite University for a one-week seminar called “Frontiers in International Peacebuilding.” It was ... read more about The First and the Foremost: Summer Peacebuilding Institute
This essay by senior writing major Lani Prunés pertains to an experience she had while on her EMU cross-cultural in the spring of 2013. Lani is a native of Philadelphia, ... read more about Why I marched for 10 hours with farmers in Colombia
Graduating with a liberal arts degree and a minor in pre-law from Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in 2010, Karissa Sauder wanted to challenge herself in the legal field but maintain a ... read more about Laying Down the Law at Harvard
One of the three women receiving the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, Leymah Gbowee, is closely connected with the “peace-church tradition” of the Mennonites. Gbowee, who shares the prize with Liberian ... read more about Nobel Prize Winner Connected to Peace-Church Tradition
HARRISONBURG, VA. — “We have cracked the code of love,” announced Sue Johnson, EdD, author of Hold Me Tight, to 1,200 people attending “Conversations on Attachment – Integrating the Science ... read more about Without Love, We’re Dead
What are healthy attachments, why do we need them, and how can we form them? In answering these questions, we can discover how to be fully human. So say the ... read more about Unprecedented Conference on ‘Attachment’ Coming to EMU
Co-founder of the Center for Justice & Peacebuilding/CJP at Eastern Mennonite University/EMU, John Paul Lederach shares a story about sensory experiences and poetics in the field of peacebuilding education and ... read more about John Paul Lederach on “The Poetics of Peacebuilding”
A world-renown mediator, strategist and catalyst for peace will give a public address Thursday, Apr. 15, at EMU. John Paul Lederach John Paul Lederach, the co-founding director of the Conflict ... read more about Noted Peacebuilder to Speak on Campus April 15