New environmental justice minor addresses the intersections of environmentalism and social justice movements

The term “environmental justice” is increasingly joining the common lexicon of activists and community leaders. The movement addresses massive problems like climate change and racism – but rather than siloing these ... read more about New environmental justice minor addresses the intersections of environmentalism and social justice movements

EMU @ #MennoCon19

Eastern Mennonite University was well-represented at the July 2-6 Mennonite Church USA convention, aka MennoCon19. President Susan Schultz Huxman was among several administrators, faculty and staff to travel to Kansas ... read more about EMU @ #MennoCon19

Student activism presents learning opportunities for all, says faculty/staff conference keynote

Professor Felipe Hinojosa offered a message of promise during his keynote address “Another University Is Possible” at Eastern Mennonite University’s annual fall faculty and staff conference: Embrace students as visionaries ... read more about Student activism presents learning opportunities for all, says faculty/staff conference keynote