New student-led Coalition on Sexual Violence Prevention wants less ‘hush-hush’ discussion of healthy sexuality

One positive step towards preventing sexual violence on college campuses is overcoming the traditional silent treatment associated with the topic. As April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this spring has
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Eastern Mennonite Missions president discusses challenges of global mission engagement in Augsburger Lecture series

To explain the dramatic changes in missions engagement over the last half-century, Nelson Okanya, MDiv ’03, president of Eastern Mennonite Missions, utilizes a stark image: a sturdy bridge, spanning a
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Intensive English Program proves to be Huimin Yu’s bridge from old life in China to new life as tutor and future teacher

For Huimin “Winifred” Yu, the Intensive English Program at Eastern Mennonite University served as a bridge between life in China and as a massage therapist and life as a budding
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CJP student Fabrice Guerrier is one of 24 selected for prestigious fellowship, studying in D.C., Berlin and Paris

As he nears completion of his graduate degree in conflict transformation at Eastern Mennonite University, 23-year-old Fabrice J. Guerrier just marked another accomplishment of many since his formative years in
... read more about CJP student Fabrice Guerrier is one of 24 selected for prestigious fellowship, studying in D.C., Berlin and Paris