Undergraduate students work, share, learn with peacebuilders from around the world at summer institute

This summer, four Eastern Mennonite University undergraduate students worked at the Summer Peacebuilding Institute, spending six weeks acting as hosts and ambassadors for approximately 145 international visitors. They were often ... read more about Undergraduate students work, share, learn with peacebuilders from around the world at summer institute

Nursing major finds that semester cross-cultural in Washington D.C. provides positive pre-clinical experience

Nancy Wharton, who comes from the small town of Strasburg, Virginia, “definitely” wanted to spend her cross-cultural semester in a different country. But the nursing student at Eastern Mennonite University ... read more about Nursing major finds that semester cross-cultural in Washington D.C. provides positive pre-clinical experience

Transdisciplinary seminar on adverse childhood experiences teaches future health professionals unique diagnostic tools

What if a traumatic childhood event could be contributing to health problems? Wouldn’t listening and learning from a patient about that experience be as valuable for diagnostic purposes to a ... read more about Transdisciplinary seminar on adverse childhood experiences teaches future health professionals unique diagnostic tools

CJP alumna and Peace Corps veteran Krista Rigalo leads Michelle Obama’s “Let Girls Learn” global education initiative

Last week, first lady Michelle Obama, with her daughters and mother, visited London to announce a new partnership between the US and British governments to support girls’ education and empowerment. ... read more about CJP alumna and Peace Corps veteran Krista Rigalo leads Michelle Obama’s “Let Girls Learn” global education initiative

Counseling professor explains how alopecia areata led to her baldness and, more importantly, to embracing impermanence

Four years ago, Chereè Hammond joined the faculty in the master’s in counseling program at Eastern Mennonite University. Shortly after beginning the semester – it was a Wednesday, she remembers ... read more about Counseling professor explains how alopecia areata led to her baldness and, more importantly, to embracing impermanence

Harrisonburg vigil protests deaths of young black men: ‘When something happens in my hometown…I carry it with me,’ says CJP student

About 35 people gathered in Court Square on Saturday [May 23, 2015]  for a vigil protesting the deaths of young black men that has made news in Baltimore, New York and other cities ... read more about Harrisonburg vigil protests deaths of young black men: ‘When something happens in my hometown…I carry it with me,’ says CJP student