Tested by multiple sclerosis, Royals honoree Amanda Williams strives for ‘no regrets’ in the classroom, on the pitch

Amanda Williams (Millsboro, De./Delmarva Christian), striker for the women’s soccer team, learned that she had multiple sclerosis last October.  Through her hardships, she has continued to put God first, and
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Ten Chinese scholars join EMU community to learn teaching techniques and immerse themselves in the English language

For the Chinese scholars at Eastern Mennonite University this semester, witnessing the difference between Chinese and American educational systems has been enlightening. “In China, students are willing to listen to
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EMU sets record enrollment with the largest first-year class in decades, while graduate programs show significant growth

Eastern Mennonite University’s traditional undergraduate first-year enrollment for the 2015-16 academic year was its highest in several decades, while graduate programs recorded a 26.4 percent increase in enrollment. The data
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Chilean-American writer Marjorie Agosín helps to inaugurate Latino Heritage Month, brings poetry and art to campus

Many on the Eastern Mennonite University campus are anticipating the Sept. 17-18 visit of Chilean-American writer Majorie Agosín. A professor of Latin American studies and Spanish language at Wellesley College,
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New director, a Colombian native and EMU alumnus, now at the helm of popular Harrisonburg International Festival

Boris Ozuna, the new director of Harrisonburg’s International Festival, got his first taste of community organizing as a child in Sincelejo, Colombia. His mother was involved in justice work with
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Smithsonian Folklife Festival media internship brings Indonesian student to the Mall to help celebrate Peru

Eastern Mennonite University senior Victoria Gunawan, a native of Indonesia, spent her summer among Peruvians on the National Mall in Washington D.C. As a media intern at the Smithsonian Folklife
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Undergraduate students work, share, learn with peacebuilders from around the world at summer institute

This summer, four Eastern Mennonite University undergraduate students worked at the Summer Peacebuilding Institute, spending six weeks acting as hosts and ambassadors for approximately 145 international visitors. They were often
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Nursing major finds that semester cross-cultural in Washington D.C. provides positive pre-clinical experience

Nancy Wharton, who comes from the small town of Strasburg, Virginia, “definitely” wanted to spend her cross-cultural semester in a different country. But the nursing student at Eastern Mennonite University
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