‘How can we be silent?’: Mennonite education is more important now than ever, says executive director of Mennonite Education Agency

Carlos Romero is Executive Director of Mennonite Education Agency. This article originally ran in the January issue of The Mennonite magazine, focused on education.  I can’t remember living in a
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‘Let Your Life Speak’: Fall/Winter 2016 Crossroads features alumni empowering neighbors in multicultural U.S.

The fall/winter 2016 issue of Crossroads focuses on Eastern Mennonite University alumni who have made conscious choices, whether vocational or avocational, to work in multicultural settings as advocates for social
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Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell

Professor Melody M. Pannell shares experiences in researching the effects of racism and sexism, as well as historical trauma, on the mental health of young black girls in this article for the magazine of Mennonite Women USA.     ... read more about Young black girls show effects of racism, sexism and historical trauma, writes social work professor Melody M. Pannell from Timbrel

English language learners benefit from EMU educators influenced by Anabaptist values in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reports researcher in Sojourners magazine

In a time of rapid change and new demographics in the United States, some communities are better equipped to respond to integration of non-English-speaking immigrant and refugee populations. Because of
... read more about English language learners benefit from EMU educators influenced by Anabaptist values in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reports researcher in Sojourners magazine

‘We don’t want differences to keep us apart’: School for Leadership Training focuses on connecting across divisiveness

Congregations must grapple with the contentious times in which we live. Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s 2017 School for Leadership Training (SLT) will speak to divisions of race, power, privilege and ideology—and
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